It all starts with us…

It all starts with us when it comes to raising our children. We sometimes forget about the emotional baggage, energy, behavior, mood, feelings… that we are bringing into our relationship with our children and focus only on their behavior.

This week, I have been reading the book ‘Parenting from the Inside Out’ once again, and it helped me remember that we need to make sense of our own past, our childhood, our value system, our subconscious believes… because all that affects directly in the way we parent and we relate with our children.

According to Siegel, unresolved issues from our childhood may reduce the quality of the parent child relationship, and I have experienced this first hand. We should be more self-aware about our past and give meaning to it.

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The more conscious and aware we become, the more we can change those ingrained patterns that we have, but are not serving us. Parenting is a learning process, not only for our children, but for ourselves.

So, yes… when it comes to parenting and raising our children… it all begins with us!

Much love, Diana-


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